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A La Carte (8/3)

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J.C. Ryle Quotes
Here’s a new blog that aims “to expose Christians to the writings of J.C. Ryle by providing his Christ-centered quotes Monday-Friday to stir your mind toward the glory of God…” Be sure to subscribe to get your daily bit of Ryle.

The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy is this month’s free download at Get it while the getting’s good!

A Girl’s Guide to Marrying Well
Following the success of A Guy’s Guide to Marrying Well, Boundless Magazine is offering A Girl’s Guide to Marrying Well as a free download.

Verse Card Maker
Here’s a great little site that exists to help you make memory verse cards. “The Verse Card Maker is a simple and efficient way to create customized verse cards for scripture memory. The only thing required of the user is a list of references, and then the Verse Card Maker does the rest by fetching the text and returning a fully formatted PDF ready for front and back printing.”

8 Ways Twitter Can Benefit the Christian offers 8 ways that Twitter can benefit the Christian. “Much has been said, and much more I’m confident will be said, as to the negative effects Twitter is having, and will have, upon our world. Not the least of which is the temptation to be narcissistic, or the ability to destroy the English language in 140 characters or less. However, my desire is to share some of the benefits that can accompany the use of Twitter. Some of these benefits may be unique to my experience, whereas others have been ‘tweeted’ to me.”

Piper Quotes
At “The Responsible Puppet” you’ll find a great list of “30 Witticisms from Pastor Piper.” A favorite: “I don’t want to live in this body for the rest of eternity. I can’t see. My wife thinks I can’t hear. I can hear, but my wife thinks I can’t. It’s the fan! It’s the fan!”

  • When Christians Disagree

    When Christians Disagree

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Christians only ever got along? Wouldn’t it be grand if all the discord we see in the world around us was completely foreign to the church? Wouldn’t it be heavenly if believers ever only experienced peace? I suppose it would be heavenly and, therefore, more than we can realistically hope…

  • A La Carte Friday 2

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  • A La Carte Thursday 1

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    A La Carte: What does it mean to die with dignity? / Did Paul endorse slavery? / Forgiveness in marriage / 5 ways to pursue contentment / The immense value of encouragement / and more.

  • Maybe We Make Meditation Too Difficult

    Maybe We Make Meditation Too Difficult

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    A La Carte (July 24)

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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 23)

    A La Carte: Connection and commitment / When your mind gets stuck / Prayer postures in the Bible / Fading with age / Does God care about how I work? / 7 essential things to know about God’s holiness / and more.