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A La Carte (9/26)

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A Baby’s Growth Timeline
GE, who developed 4D ultrasound technology, has a website of images that follow the timeline of the unborn’s development from six weeks to birth. (HT: STR)

Winter is Coming
Money Magazine gives tips that can help you knock hundreds or thousands off your utility bills even in just one winter.

800 People Read Grudem’s Systematic Theology
Now here’s a good idea. “The format of the group was simple: read one chapter each week, meet to discuss (and not debate) and do so for 15 months. Though this initially sounds like just the story of one small group, to date 800 Hunter Street members have participated in similar groups (aptly dubbed “TRG’s” – Theology Reading Groups) and each chose Systematic Theology as their beginning text.”

Why I Love John Piper
Driscoll explains why he loves Piper. Of course everyone loves Piper, but Driscoll offers four great reasons for his affection.

iTunes Under Threat
Here’s an interesting story saying that iTunes, currently America’s biggest seller of music, may be under threat. Artists are suddenly realizing that they can experience success (and greater profits) with iTunes.

The Superiority of Canadian Football
Admittedly I prefer American football to its Canadian counterpart, but there are at least two reasons the Canadian version is better. First, more than one person can be in motion (and even towards the line of scrimmage) and second, there is no ban on touchdown celebrations. Both are illustrated in this video.

Watching Fireproof
Ted Slater has a clever article on Fireproof (which opens today!). “Last night we watched the movie for the second time. And though we tried to engage with the story, a number of production ‘artifacts’ were a bit distracting.”

Faith, Doubt, + Unbelief
C.J. Mahaney writes about Os Guinness and his helpful teaching on the subject of doubt.

Do Warehouse Stores Save You Money?
“Priya Raghubir, a marketing professor at New York University, says there’s a good deal of research that shows larger portion size is linked to higher consumption. “My personal opinion is that people actually spend more” in the end by going to Costco, she says.”

National Punctuation Day
Tom Neven celebrates this rather uncouth day, but his article is well worth reading. Be sure to read about how a misplaced comma cost a company over two million dollars.

The Green Bible
Because we don’t already have enough editions of the Bible. “The Green Bible…calls attention to more than 1,000 verses related to nature by printing them in a pleasant shade of forest green, much as red-letter editions of the Bible encrimson the words of Jesus.”

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