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A La Carte (9/28)

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Unintended Consequences – From a veteran youth minister (via White Horse Inn): “We look at our youth group now and we feel good. But the youth group of today is the church of tomorrow, and study after study suggests that what we are building for the future is … empty churches.”

Desiring God Livestream – The Desiring God National Conference kicks off this evening. You can catch the whole thing live online beginning tonight at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

The Common Mark of Imperfection – “Our response to disability is often one of discomfort. People don’t know how to respond, speak, or act around someone with a disability. There are glaring physical or cognitive imperfections that become our focus. Various reasons explain our responses, but having an accurate biblical perspective on disability is foundational to a proper understanding of the ultimate, imperfect similarity we share.”

With Age Comes … Beauty? – Here’s a sweet reflection on aging: “I don’t believe I can train young women well unless I am content with being an ‘older woman’ and accept the privileges and responsibilities of this stage in my life. If I’m to teach self-control, purity, how to work at home, kindess and submission, they should be well-honed qualities in me.”

Encouragement for Those Who Struggle – “Vaughan Roberts is well known in British Evangelical circles for his strengths as one of the most gifted and faithful writers, preachers and church leaders in the land. In a recent interview with Julian Hardyman Vaughan talks about how he has sought to live a godly life while struggling with same-sex attraction, and why he has decided to share his struggles more widely.”

If you would make your last words worth the hearing, let your whole life be worth the seeing.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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