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A La Carte (9/9)

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Ordinary Excellence – Michael Horton is writing an ongoing series on being ordinary Christians. It’s well worth the read.

Wisdom and Sex – Tom Schreiner on Proverbs 5: “Secular people often talk as if their perspective on sex is freeing and liberating. They often say that the Christian view is repressive, rigid, and joy-denying. But it is exactly opposite. If you want to experience heartache, tears, loneliness, and frustration, follow the ways of the world.”

Dealing with Disappointment when Single – Steve DeWitt has a talk on disappointment as a single.

A Letter from Aleppo – From WORLD magazine: “Below is a letter out of Aleppo, Syria, that was written in late July by a physician. A lifelong Aleppo resident of Armenian heritage, this man has remained in one of the ancient city’s Christian neighborhoods throughout a 14-month siege by rebel forces. He is a trusted source to WORLD, not named for security reasons, with a long history of medical aid work throughout the Middle East and Asia. This letter is reprinted with permission of Barnabas Aid, which first published it.”

Christ Our Sanctification – Monergism has a free ebook for you; judging by the table of contents it looks like it will be quite a read.

Shellfish, Slavery and Same-Sex Marriage – “It is a shallow approach to the Bible to mock the prohibition concerning the eating of shellfish (Leviticus 11:9-12) as if it still applied today, without understanding this temporary command within the sweep of redemptive history and the explicit teaching of Jesus who has come to liberate us from such ceremonial and cultic behaviour which distinguishes between clean and unclean foods.”

God’s purpose in redeeming men from sin is not to give them freedom to do as they please but freedom to do as He pleases.

—John MacArthur

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