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A La Carte (April 1)

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In other deals, Logos has Brevard Childs’ commentary on Isaiah as their free book of the month while Christian Audio is giving away Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand.

Journey – Here’s the best blog-related news I’ve heard in a while: Tim Keesee has begun a blog. You’ll want to bookmark it, I’m sure. Oh, and he’s got a new episode of Dispatches From the Front coming soon. Here’s the trailer.

Images of Jesus – I tend to favor the interpretation of the second commandment that forbids images of Jesus.

An Inheritance of Tears – Here’s a great review of the latest book from Cruciform Press: Inheritance of Tears: Trusting the Lord When Death Visits the Womb.

Through the Eyes of Spurgeon – You can watch this full feature-length documentary for free on YouTube.

EnChroma – Though this video is a bit mellodramatic, it is also pretty neat. According to the color blindness test, I’m a “strong deutan” (strong red-green color blindness caused by an anomaly in the M-cone photopigment gene sequence). I’ve never really seen red or green.

Americans Muddled Morality about the Unborn – “The debate over fetal homicide reveals our society’s inconsistency in the ongoing debate over abortion: We only affirm the humanity of the unborn if the child is ‘wanted.’”


There is no sin so prevalent, so insidious, and so deep as the sin of fearing people more than we fear God.

—Kevin DeYoung

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