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A La Carte (April 13)

Libraries Struggle to Remain Relevant

WORLD reports on the struggles libraries face as they attempt to stay relevant in a digital world.

Thinking? Conference 2016

If you are in or near Toronto, be sure to think about coming to the Thinking? 2016 conference which takes place next weekend.

Sitting In God’s Lap to Slap Him In The Face

“What’s being described here is that this other person is borrowing something from God in order to then argue against him. They’re borrowing something that only fits in the Christian world view to then argue against that world view, which is actually kind of a circular argument.”

To Every Tribe

I’m so glad there is a new episode of Dispatches from the Front. And I’m so glad that Westminster Books has a sale on it. Don’t miss these DVDs!

Be Grateful Without Comparing

Barnabas Piper discusses gratitude. “While there is a sense in which we should be jarred into gratefulness by the reality that others have it worse than we do, these kinds of statements are a pretty horrid kind of instruction on gratitude.”

Top 10 Most Challenged Library Books

“Last year, the American Library Association (ALA) fielded 275 formal challenges to materials in school libraries—a record low. Making the top 10 list of challenges for the first time: the Bible.”

This Day in 1742. 274 years ago today, Handel’s famous oratorio Messiah premiered in Dublin’s Fishamble Street Musick Hall. *

What’s the Point of Christian Conferences, Anyway?

“If conferences can be messed up and can lead me to idolatry, why should I even consider going?”

Malcolm Gladwell Got it Wrong

“The 10,000 hour rule” – enshrined in Gladwell’s bestselling 2008 book Outliers – holds that mastery in any field can be achieved with 10,000 hours of practice. But Ericsson, a Florida State University researcher who has spent his career breaking down the science of what makes people extraordinary, says Gladwell missed the point.”


Worship is designed to remind you that in the center of all things is a glorious and gracious king, and this king is not you.

—Paul Tripp

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