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A La Carte (April 3)

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When Scripture Is the Controversy – “If we learned anything from last week, maybe it’s that the real controversy among evangelicals in the coming days will be about the Bible, not homosexuality.” Exactly so.

Where Everyone in the World is Migrating – This fascinating and beautiful chart shows the mass migration of people today.

Good Friday in Toronto – If you live in or near Toronto, you may want to consider coming to the Toronto Gospel Alliance Good Friday service at U of T.

Late Night @ T4G – And if you’re planning to be at Together for the Gospel next week, why don’t you consider this late-night event with 20Schemes.

The Tongues of Angels – Nathan Busenitz continues to write about the gift of tongues and to offer a cessationist perspective. I’ve found the series both helpful and clarifying.

Extra Special Revelation – In this podcast Carl Trueman and the rest of his Mortification of Spin crew have a discussion about Sarah Young’s mega-selling, mega-problematic Jesus Calling.

Do Your Duty – Gene Veith: “Duty is one of those words that used to carry great weight but really doesn’t anymore. It is still an important concept in military circles, but elsewhere doing something because it’s your duty has acquired a negative connotation. ‘You just say you love me because you think it’s your duty.’ ‘They just go to church out of a sense of duty.’”

Village Hub – This is a fascinating video. “An easy to copy but patented sugar palm factory Smits has developed, demonstrates how community capacity-building and community empowerment can promote economic development while conserving the natural environment.”


God gives the grace of forgiveness in order to receive the glory of worship.

—Rhett Dodson

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