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A La Carte (August 20)

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What Are We to Make of Donald Trump?

Tom Ascol offers some thoughtful reflections on Donald Trump. “In some sense it is like a car accident—you just can’t look away no matter how hard you try.” Be sure to read the final lines before flaming Ascol (or me).

Guardian Angels?

Do we have guardian angels? “While many other objections may be raised … of this much we can be sure–God will not spare to send the entire host of heaven to the aid of His people if He so chooses.”

The Everyday Question of Motherhood

I think Christine Hoover is bang-on here: “As a mother, there is a constant, uncomfortable battle that rages inside of me. It is not the big or dramatic…”

Tools for Evangelism

This week’s deals from Westminster Books will help equip your evangelistic efforts (as an individual or as a church).

This Day in 1920: Seven men, including the now-legendary Jim Thorpe, gathered to organize a professional football league. Has ever a sport had a greater impact on Christians and (American) Christianity than football with its Sunday schedule? *

God For Us, or God Against Us?

Is God for us or against us? Ray Ortlund says, “If we are in Christ, the answer is: maybe both. God is certainly for us, and God might also be against us.”

The Gruesome Reality of Fetal Organ Harvesting

Here’s WORLD’s recap of the new and 7th video in the series exposing Planned Parenthood. (Stand to Reason also has a good article on the matter.)

Finally, here is a challenging and encouraging word from Charles Spurgeon:


Sin is a sovereign till sovereign grace dethrones it.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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