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A La Carte (December 12)

Today’s list of Kindle deals includes a solid group of books that would be welcome in just about any library.

Amazon has lots of deals this year, and today is featuring Kids’ and Retro games.

Thanks to David Steele for writing the first review of my new booklet Set an Example. (Don’t forget there is also a study guide and PowerPoint material for those who wish to teach it.)

Children and the Peril of Internet Fame

“A parent records their child doing/saying something moving/saddening/remarkable. The parent then posts the video of their child to social media. Social media reacts strongly to the video, and before you know it, the video—and the child—are ‘viral’ digital sensations. They start trending on Buzzfeed, being re-shared by celebrities and athletes, and almost everyone seems to be talking about this child and what he or she said or did.”

Is the Pope Right About the Lord’s Prayer?

You may have heard rumors of the pope changing the wording of the Lord’s Prayer. Not surprisingly, there aren’t a lot of people who agree with him.

The Most Important Part of Your Sermon

While there are no parts of a sermon that don’t matter at all, some are perhaps a little more important than others, and one rises above the rest.

What Makes a Good Sermon?

Josh Vincent talks about five questions to ask when determining what makes a good sermon.

Don’t Protest Porn by Sharing It

“When well-meaning Christians and others share their online petitions or posts calling for companies to withdraw such advertisements, there is always an image attached. And usually it is one of the offending images. And the image is not always censored—or at least not fully.” One thing I’ve learned in all these years of blogging is to be very sensitive to other people’s concerns when sharing images.

John MacArthur on the Confusion at Christmas (Video)

“For most people, Christmas is much more than a day. The word itself represents a wide variety of activities, traditions, and events. Just thinking about Christmas triggers your senses, reminding you of the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes the season represents. Reading that, you are likely thinking of some of those things right now. But as you scroll down that mental checklist of all the things Christmas means to you, where do you find Christ? Many believers would be ashamed to admit how little the birth of the Lord actually figures in their Christmas celebrations, and what a low priority He receives at this time of year.”

Why Seminary: John MacArthur

Clint Archer wraps up his little series on the importance of seminary by looking at John MacArthur. “If you watch the video of this interview you are struck with how unhesitant MacArthur is. He gets a question. He answers it. Bam. No apology, no stammering, no ifs and buts. I love it. That confidence comes from years of deep study in the Scriptures. It’s not about your opinion; you know what God says.”

AOL Instant Messenger Taught Us How To Communicate in the Modern World

It is fascinating to go back in time to think of all we learned through this technology that is now nearly forgotten.

Flashback: Do Not Be Surprised if the World Hates You

My friend, the more you love and honor God, the more you expose the evil of those who do not. The more you expose the evil of those who dishonor God, the more they’ll hate you. They’ll hate you because of who you love, because of who you resemble. They hated Jesus and they’ll hate those who are like Jesus.

Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.

—William Cowper

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