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A La Carte (December 23)

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14 Top Biblical Counseling Books of 2014 – Bob Kellemen rounds up 14 books that will be of special interest to counselors.

Craftsman – It is a joy to watch just about any craftsman at his trade. This is a fascinating video of a jeweler doing what he does.

UnbrokenChristianity Today has a review of Unbroken which opens in a couple of days. This reviewer didn’t love it. Smithsonian has a copy of the original Air Force report of the crash.

On Being Extra-Scrooge-y – “When our friends are bearing weights of longing unfulfilled and broken promises. When thousands of children die daily from things like diarrhea. When our brothers and sisters have no home for the holidays, or families are torn apart from years of pain? How do we celebrate in the midst of all these things?”

Winter Solstice – I am a couple of days late with this one, but better late than never, I guess.

Material Goods and the True Meaning – You may enjoy this article on balancing material goods with the true meaning of Christmas.

Religious excellence will not earn you a place at God’s table. Your own efforts will never merit you a seat of honor.

—Michael Horton

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