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A La Carte (December 29)

Today’s Kindle deals include a list of general market bestsellers and some books for Christians.

Five Lessons Learned from Counseling those with Anxiety

“Fear…Anxiety…Worry. In the cursed world in which we live as fallen image bearers, this pattern can often be a part of the human experience. Many times, it is caused by sinful unbelief or idolatry.”

Be Yourself

“Most young people simply want to be taken seriously. If your culture dictates that wearing the right clothes and speaking a certain way marks an individual out as mature, then those concerned about being taken seriously will tend to emulate these things. If preaching is considered ‘spiritually profitable’ when it moulds to a particular form, using certain types of word and serious tones, we can’t be that surprised when we have people in their teens and twenties dressing like the elderly from the 1950s and speaking in ways that the average man on the street would find more than a little jarring.”

The US Government’s Secret Airline (Video)

I guess it’s not quite “secret” but it’s certainly very secretive.

What 2018 Holds For Us: The Upside

“2018 will see the continued explosive growth of new Christians in Africa, China, India and other parts of the world. There’s a lot to be excited about as we face a new year of Gospel growth worldwide.” I appreciate the opportunity to encourage people.

Two Men Have Been Best Friends for 60 Years

Then they find out they are brothers. It’s a neat story.

Live First, Lead Second

“As pastors and leaders, a good part of what we teach others should come straight from Scripture. We look to biblical models and mandates to be the launching point to teach those in our churches how to live well as followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough. If our lives don’t reflect what we teach and the calls to action we offer, then our ability to lead well is severed from the start. Really, it’s a variation of the old adage we teach our children: ‘Do as I say, not as I do. Do as I do and as I say.’”

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2017

Here are the top 10 biblical archaeology discoveries of 2017 that can help us better understand the Bible.

Flashback: How To Make A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

I have done a fair bit of reading on how to make resolutions work, and it turns out that though there are many reasons your resolutions may not work, the most common ones are easy enough to avoid. Here are some tips on making wise resolutions and on making them stick.

Evangelism isn’t a fish on your car, a cross around your neck, or your personal testimony—it’s proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

—Burk Parsons

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