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A La Carte (December 30)

2015: A Christian Music Review

Jeremy Howard has a roundup of some of this year’s best Christian music (and the most precise rating system I’ve ever seen). You’ll need to scroll all the way down to see his top-5 picks.

Why Sexual Metaphors of Jesus and His Bride Embarrass Us

John Piper unblushingly answers two questions: (1) How is sex between a husband and wife a practical example of Christ and his church? (2) Why is this truth something many are so uncomfortable with?

5 Things You Can Give to God Every Day

Here’s an article I wrote for The Gospel Coalition.

The Passion Week

The latest Visual Theology poster provides a timeline of the final week of Christ’s life.

A Deeper Devotional Life

This is a great roundup of 12 quality resources that can help spark a deeper devotional life in 2016.

The Fears of Black Fathers for Their Sons

“The death of Tamir affected more than his family, the city of Cleveland, or its police force. His death affected all Americans, especially those of African descent. The decision not to indict deepens the cut and scars the soul of any black person with enough emotional fortitude to reflect on these events and their implications. I am one of those who have chosen to reflect, and I am not alone.” (Also, I appreciated this on The Perfect Victim.)

From Timber To Tide

These artisanal videos are becoming almost cliché (and this one pushes every single button), but I continue to really enjoy them.

This Day in 1944. 71 years ago today, a clerical “error” freed Corrie ten Boom from prison. *

Westminster Daily

Here’s a neat idea: A daily reflection from the Westminster Standards that will take you through the Shorter Catechism, Larger Catechism, and Westminster Confession over the course of the year.


There is beauty in all of creation. Even in the waves.


When we deal seriously with our sins, God will deal gently with us.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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