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A La Carte (February 10)

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The President at the Prayer Breakfast – Al Mohler: “Presidents of the United States are usually awful as theologians. In far too many cases, the closer they get to anything theological, the bigger the mess they make.”

The One Ring Explained – If you’ve ever tried to figure out why the rings matter so much in The Lord of the Rings, you’ll want to watch this short video.

Three Truths for the Tired Mother – Aileen and I are just a little past the baby years, but we remember them well. Here’s hope for the tired mom.

Jim Hamilton wrote two good articles yesterday, both related to Justin Taylor’s recent article on creation: The Days of Creation and Exodus 20:11 and The Days of Creation and Death Before the Fall.

You Cannot Serve Both God and Theology – “What’s more dangerous to the human soul — money or theology?”

Toolbox for Skillful Shepherding – Here’s a helpful little chart for pastors.

The Danger of Celebrity Pastoring – Mike Leake: “I’ve read many books on how to get through the snares of gospel ministry. I’ve only read a couple which speak of the dangers which attend popularity.”


God’s Word, when rightly expounded, is medicinal for a whole host of spiritual diseases.

—Joel Beeke

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