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A La Carte (February 12)


Grace and peace to you this morning.

On sale this week at Westminster Books is the excellent Focus on the Bible series of commentaries, which are ideal for preachers and laity alike.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting picks.

You Are Going to Hate It

“You know that country you’ve been dreaming about? The one that you have been praying over and researching? You’ve been talking about it endlessly these days, building a team who will support you when you move there. You are ready to uproot your family, your job, your entire life to pour your soul into the place you love so much. Call me a party pooper, but today I’m here to tell you something important: Shortly after you finally arrive in that country, you are going to hate it.” Here’s one for current or prospective missionaries.

How 60,000 Metric Tons of Salt Are Harvested from One of the World’s Saltiest Lakes (Video)

This is a really interesting video about how salt is harvested from a lake in Senegal.

There’s Something About Your Faithfulness, Sister

Madelyn brings some encouragement in this article.


Jeremy Walker points out that today it doesn’t seem to take much to make people cry. “Perhaps it is a small act of carelessness or even cruelty. People are already edgy, if not right on the edge. An unkind word, a thoughtless act, a dismissive interaction, and over the edge we go. The soul is trampled, the spirit is crushed, the heart is cast down. Tears well up quickly, tears of helpless frustration, impotent rage, or simply hopeless distress.”

Inventing A New Sin

Alan Shlemon shows how some people today are craftily trying to mess with categories of sin.

Why Read Full-Length Historic Christian Biographies?

Vance Christie offers a few good reasons to read a few full-length Christian biographies.

Speaking and Chairing

If you’re speaking at or chairing meetings, these tips may prove helpful. Especially the first one.

Flashback: 4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin

You can’t sin without consequence. That’s not the way God has structured his world. It’s not the way God has structured his people.

How would you want a person on the other side of the world to live if you were on a road leading to an eternal hell and no one had ever told you how you could go to heaven? Answer that question, and then live accordingly.

—David Platt

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