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A La Carte (February 24)

It’s slim pickings todays for Kindle deals—just two biographies.

Killed for Christ in the Amazon (Video)

Here, from the BBC, is a telling of the story of the five missionaries who were killed by the Huaorani tribesmen.

Family Christian Stores Closing

“More than two years ago, suppliers forgave Family Christian Stores $127 million in debt so that it could remain open. Today, the chain—one of the largest Christian retailers in the United States—announced it is closing all of its stores.”

The Typographical Reformation

It seems fitting to put this article next—Timothy George’s on the printing press and its impact on the Reformation.

Change the Question

Melinda Penner points out that “when confronted with direct questions about what the Bible teaches about sex, you probably need to answer a somewhat different question to give a good answer.”

What Happens When It Doesn’t Go Our Way?

Pete Stewart reflects on what happens when things just don’t go our way. This one may be especially encouraging for church planters.

Keep Learning to Lead

Gavin Ortlund: “Leadership is hard. I rank it up there with pain, parenting, and preaching as one of those things in life that we never fully master, but only hope to keep learning over a lifetime.”

Fight to Attend Your Church Weekly!

Yup. It can be a fight, but it’s definitely worth the fight.

Robust Confessionalism

“Should a church use a confession of faith? If so, how robust should that confession be?” Tom Ascol takes a stab at an answer.

Flashback: The Spiritual Disease Ravaging Our World

We are incredibly, unbelievably, divinely blessed. And yet, many of us can identify that this wealth brings with it a kind of illness, a spiritual malaise that some have labeled “affluenza.” Are we sick with affluenza?

Pastors, parents, worship leaders: Are you teaching any songs that can be sung acapella around a hospital bed in 50 years?

—Kevin DeYoung

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