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A La Carte (February 27)

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Reading Reimagined – You can probably read way faster than you think you can. Click the link, then click on the cell phone to give it a try.

For Moms Stuck Inside – Here’s an article for moms who are feeling cooped up during a long winter. “But once Christmas is behind you and you are facing a couple months or more of bad weather, it’s easy to feel down. This is especially true if you’re a mother of young children and you are more confined to your house than usual.”

Surface Appearances – Doug Wilson on Son of God: “[W]e have yet another Jesus who perpetuates our perennial and mule-headed idea that holiness consists of one part anemia, one part effeminacy, two parts stoner-mystique, and one part slight constipation, this time with a British accent. But I don’t want a Russell Brand Jesus.”

Jo’s Story – Here’s a sweet two-part article on fostering (here’s part two). (Note: the blogger is my sister and Jo is my cousin, so this is an all-family affair!)

What Put Blockbuster Out of Business? – This is a fascinating infographic that shows the battle between Netflix and Blockbuster.

The Jesus Lens or the Jesus Tea-Strainer? – Andrew Wilson: “I don’t think Steve Chalke, Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell and co are reading the Bible through a Jesus lens, as much as they are reading Jesus through a selective, progressive postmodern lens, and then reading the rest of the Bible through that.”


If you’re a beast in the pulpit but a coward in your neighborhood, something has gone wrong.

—Matt Chandler

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