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A La Carte (February 5)

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The Church About Nothing – Here’s some good counsel: “What do we want to do when we want to learn about a church? Well, typically, we read their websites and maybe listen to a sermon or two. This is definitely helpful. However, I’d like to suggest another option: listen to members talk.”

Preaching the Wrath of God – Steve Lawson: “Faithful pulpit ministry requires the declaration of both judgment and grace. The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that softens and hardens, comforts and afflicts, saves and damns.”

Remember Who Your Children Really Are – This is a really good and helpful reminder. “These daughters whom I adore will remain my children for this life only. I am the father of Hannah and Skylar until death, but—inasmuch as they embrace the Gospel—I will remain their brother for all eternity. Put another way, if your children stand beside you in the glories of heaven, they will not stand beside you as your children but as your blood-redeemed brothers and sisters…”

The Ham-Nye Debate – Al Mohler has a substanial recap of last night’s debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye. (And while we’re talking Al Mohler, you may also like to read his article on The New American Religion)

Who Owns the Pastor’s Sermons? – Here’s a modern conundrum the New Testament church probably didn’t have to face. “Who owns the pastor’s sermon? Church or pastor? When sermons become books that make millions in royalties, the answer is important.”

Romans 1-7 For You – Westminster Books has some good deals this week, including Tim Keller’s Romans 1-7 For You, and two other books I’ve read and recommended in the past couple of weeks.


The basic needs of the human heart never change. The answers to that need never change.

—William G. Hughes

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