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A La Carte (January 25)

A La Carte Thursday 1

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today, my friends.

Why, yes, there are some new Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: It’s Okay To Just Pray)

Shepherding Children through Hardships and Trials

“Seeing our children suffer through trials can be extremely difficult. Even parents who are well-equipped to cope with their own problems often find themselves feeling helpless when their child is the one hurting. How can we shepherd our children through adversity in a healthy, God-honoring way? When troubles find our children, here are three ways we can support them.”

Redeem Time in the Age of TikTok

“In an age where the tap of a finger brings a cascade of momentary images and sounds, TikTok epitomizes the ephemeral nature of our digital interactions. For billions of people across the globe, this social media platform provides a torrent of never-ending content, where each video is but a momentary ripple soon lost in the stream of ceaseless novelty.” Joe Carter explains the importance of redeeming time in an age like this one.

5 Signs Our Inner Peace Might Be a Deceptive Calm

Doug writes for those who may have been deceived into thinking that all is well with their souls.

God Is For You: No Matter Where, No Matter Who, No Matter What

Yes, it’s true. If you are in Christ, God is for you, no matter where, who, or what.

Three Reasons Christians Should Oppose Abortion

There are many reasons Christians should oppose abortion, but in this article Robb Brunansky focuses on three of the most important.

An Ordinary, Everyday Life

Andrea recounts and celebrates the fact that Jesus led a very ordinary, everyday life.

Flashback: Shedding Tears Over Sorrows That May Never Come

Ultimately, if there is to be comfort, it will not be grounded in the hope that nothing bad will happen to me or to the people I love, but in the perfect God whose perfect character is displayed in his perfect will.

…what we do with Jesus’ words is a great sign-post of our true identity and our eternal destiny.

—Alistair Begg

  • The Hands and Feet of the Bible

    The Hands and Feet of the Bible

    The Bible has life and the Bible brings life because it has been spoken by God. The Bible’s life, its voice, its feet, and hands are the life, voice, feet, and hands of God extended toward his people. For that reason among others it is always worthy of our time, our attention, and our dedication.

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    Weekend A La Carte (July 20)

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  • Free Stuff Fridays (MBTS)

    This week Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. For the Church Institute is a free online platform from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary designed to provide free and accessible theological training to equip, encourage, and edify local churches. Courses may be taken as a self-paced individual or as a group within your…

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    A Field Guide on Gender and Sexuality

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  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (July 18)

    A La Carte: Does Christian sex need rescuing? / 15 resolves for interpersonal conflicts / How senior pastors can help associate pastors / it’s okay to be okay / Don’t be proud of what you had no say in / How sweet! / Kindle deals / and more.