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A La Carte (January 31)

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Superbowl Fact-Checker – “Super Bowl myths. You’ve heard them all before. You’ve probably even passed them along to friends and family (I know I have). While Scripture forbids us from spreading a false report. (Exodus 23:1), sometimes, because of lack of information, we unintentionally pass along false reports in the form of myths and urban legends.” Joe Carter looks into them.

Exhaustion – I like the sound of this: Take back Sunday!

Without Love I Am Nothing – In light of 1 Corinthians 13, here is a word to Bible students, seminarians, and disciple-makers.

What Are We Missing In Our Worship? – I completely agree with this: “I often miss an element of the service when visiting other churches that I have come to love more and more. It is an element that has a long history in the worship of the church. It is pastorally sensitive, encourages the believer, exhorts the unbeliever, and is entirely biblical.”

Three Reasons to Get Some Sleep – “The fact is humans need sleep, between 7–8 hours a day. But most of us aren’t getting it. According to studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sleep deprivation is epidemic. In the last week articles and infographs have been circulating the web with convincing evidence that this is the real deal. In addition to that content, here are three reasons why you should get some sleep.”


The voices of childhood echo throughout life. The first learned is generally the last forgotten.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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