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A La Carte (January 6)

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Marrying a Man Who Looks at Porn – Heath Lambert provides a sound answer to an urgent question: Should I marry a man who has a problem with pornography?

Snow-Diving Foxes – “I’m a fox. It’s January. I’m hungry. I want a meal. My food, however, is buried 3 feet down, deep in the snow, hiding. It’s alive, in motion, and very small, being a mouse. So how does an above-ground fox catch an underground mouse? Well, the answer is nothing short of astonishing.”

Evangelicals and Hollywood Muck – I appreciate Trevin Wax’s thoughts on the subject of movies and whether Christians really need to go looking for redemptive themes in all of them.

Actively Engaged – Matt Chandler provides a “plea to not sit on the sidelines and hope this horrific genocide of the unborn works itself out.”

Rescued – Maggie Paulus’ touching article at True Woman begins like this: “When I was just a little girl, like a wee little thing, I had a different mom and dad. And they were kind to me, but they had hurts and they had addictions and they didn’t know how to take care of themselves, much less a wee girl and her little brother.”

Why Faith? – The main point of this article is quite helpful: “The people of the world will bring up every bad act the Christian has committed not so much to discredit the Christian with others, but to discredit the Christian with himself so he shuts up and gives up.”


It is a hard matter to enjoy the world without being entangled with the cares and pleasures of it.

—Thomas Manton

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