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A La Carte (January 7)

Messages That Move

The Good Book Company wants to give you Messages That Move for free (in ebook format). Visit their Facebook page for details.

Finding Forgiveness After My Abortion

Garrett Kell: “When I was 20 years old, I loved my life. It was carefree and full of good times. School, sports, parties, and girlfriends filled my mind most days. Until one day that changed my life forever.”

Nine Questions to Help You Steward All of Your Life for God’s Glory

This is good stuff.

Too Much Bible?!

“For the Christian the deluge can include Bible information. We may have woeful gaps in our Bible knowledge, but at the same time Christians in church cultures focused on expository preaching receive a lot of Bible teaching.” Could it be too much?

The Waning of the ‘Worship Wars’

Christianity Today shares the results of a huge study of American congregations. Not surprisingly “Praise bands and informal style are on the rise, along with Hispanic church leaders and unaffiliated congregations.”

This Day in 367. 1,649 years ago today, church father Athanasius wrote a letter containing a list of what he thought should be considered the canon of Scripture. Over time, his list would be accepted by the church. *

National Geographic Photo Contest Winners

Here are the winning entries in National Geographic’s 2015 photo contest. As you would expect, many of the entries are stunning. Many are available to download as wallpaper for your computer, tablet, or phone.

Is the Existence of the NT Canon Incompatible with Claims of New Revelation?

“‘God has spoken to me.’ There are few statements that will shut down debate more quickly than this one. If Christians disagree over a doctrine, a practice, or an idea, then the trump card is always ‘God has spoken to me’ about that. End of discussion.”


One of the signs of Christian maturity is the ability to disagree with other Christians on secondary matters without vilifying them.

—J.R. Vassar

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