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A La Carte (July 13)


I had a great week away last week. We rented a little cottage by a lake and pretty much just sat there together for seven days. It was just what the doctor ordered. And now, back to work…

There are a few new Kindle deals for you to take a look at.

(Yesterday on the blog: If Ever I Have Longed for My Bed After a Long Journey…)

Faith Seeking Understanding: Thinking Theologically About Racial Tensions

Kevin DeYoung has kicked off a new series of articles dealing with race and justice. “One of the great needs in our day is for pastors and Christian leaders to think theologically about the pressing issues of race and justice.”

Seeing the World in Black and White

And speaking of race and justice, this article by Greg Morse is well worth a read. “What happened there? What transpired between that woman and my family? How we answer this question, as well as many others like it, I believe, indicates how successful the course of current conversations surrounding racial reconciliation will be.”

Does God Elect His People to Salvation Based on Any Condition They Have Met? (Video)

You probably know the answer to this one, but will still benefit from hearing this explanation from Stephen Nichols.

4 Principles for Talking to Your Kids about Sex

Julie Lowe: “As a parent, how comfortable are you talking with your children about sex? Not so much? Why is that? God created sex to bless us—why is it so hard to talk about?”

Will They Know We Are Missionaries By Our Listening?

“The brooms in Tanzania start early each day. A familiar ‘swish, swish, swish’ emanates from every house. When I moved here, I was shocked that most women sweep their houses daily and mop the floors three times a week. At first, that routine seemed kind of ridiculous to me. So, I made the most basic mistake warned about in Missionary 101: Judging instead of Listening.”

The 2020 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners

Such beauty…

Why We Shouldn’t Speak Flippantly or Joke About Hell

I quite agree with this. “Language matters. Every word counts. What you say, how you say it, and the implication behind what you mean should be taken into account before uttering a word.”

Flashback: The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin

The person with an untended wound on his shoulder cannot carry a heavy pack, and the person with an untended sin cannot carry a heavy cross. Will you be willing to give up your life for Christ tomorrow if you are not willing to give up your lust today?

Whenever the periphery is in danger of displacing the center, we are not far removed from idolatry.

—D.A. Carson

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