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A La Carte (July 13)


This week you can find 50% off on the ESV Journaling Bibles at Westminster Books. They are a great resource for better understanding and applying the Bible.

There are not a lot of Christian Kindle deals today, so I added a few general market options that caught my eye.

(Yesterday on the blog: Breathe a Sigh of Relief or Recoil in Terror)

How Evangelicals Lose Will Make All the Difference

That’s an intriguing headline, isn’t it? And it’s got a good article behind it.

The Gray Havens – I’ll Fly Away (Live from The Zion Caravan Tour)

I enjoyed this new rendition of “I’ll Fly Away” by the Gray Havens.

What is our greatest need?

Compelled by a desire for men to know God’s love, Washer draws from the church’s greatest theologians to herald Christ’s centrality in revelation, salvation, sanctification, study, proclamation, and glory. The Preeminent Christ will stimulate you to zealously seek Christ and His gospel over all worldly “needs.” (Sponsored Link)

Use Your Comfort Zone to the Glory of God

“‘Get out of your comfort zone.’ We hear it all the time, from friends, family, business leaders, church leaders, and actually, the whole rest of the world, it seems. But I’m going to encourage you here to do just the opposite: to find your comfort zone and stay in it.”

Shooting For The Earth

This article seems to me to nicely complement the previous one. “Shoot for the moon, they say, and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. I‘m not so sure.”

Your preaching is primarily for believers

This is so important to consider. “In certain circles, seeking to get unbelievers into church is seen as the highest possible goal. There is nothing better, according to some, when unbelievers come into the church and under the sound of the gospel. That, they aver, is what we ought to be about. At the risk of being deemed a contrarian, I just don’t think that is true.”

LORD, My Heart Is Not Haughty

What a great reflection/meditation/prayer.

In Dependence

Here’s one for those especially independent people. “Not long ago, I was talking to a 25+ year friend and former colleague, and, in a teary moment, said to him, ‘I need you to hear this.’ As I paused, he said, ‘Lisa, I have never thought of you as needing anything.’ His honesty set me back on my heels.”

Flashback: What a Wonder Is a Human Being!

A mighty oak from the smallest acorn, the greatest mustard tree from the tiniest seed, and a great and noble life from the littlest child. So much potential bound up in so tiny a person, so many possibilities lying latent, so many opportunities to serve simply waiting for time, for growth, for maturity.

The nearness of God, secured by the gospel, is a source of all kinds of comforts and wisdom.

—Ed Welch

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