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A La Carte (July 30)


It seems to be getting harder to do, but I did track down some Kindle deals for those interested.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Haunting Beauty of Scotland)

Why the Book of Acts Matters for Your Life

It’s one of my favorite books! “The Book of Acts gives us an example of radical generosity to follow, and we should seek to share with other Christians in need (Acts 4:32). Like Stephen, we should always be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have as Christians testifying to the saving work of Jesus Christ (Acts 7). The book of Acts shows faith in action.”

Is Eldership Gender-Neutral? A Response to Katia Adams

You may benefit from this long but interesting article that continues to debate complementarianism and egalitarianism.

Why Starbucks Failed In Australia (Video)

“Starbucks can be found all over the world, from Shanghai to Guantanamo Bay. But there is one continent that was uninterested in the coffee giant. Australians largely rejected Starbucks’ attempted takeover, which led to an embarrassing retreat for the brand.”

Fifteen Things I’ve Learned in Ten Years of Homeschooling

Jen shares some of what she’s learned along the way. “This May year marked ten years for me as a homeschooling mom. My kids have not only been homeschooled—they’ve attended public school, Christian private school, and even boarding school—all overseas. But for ten years, wherever God has led us to place them for education, we’ve always maintained a partial or total homeschool schedule for them.”

15 Sobering Reminders About Hell (And What It Means for Us)

“As Edwards pursued holiness in his life, he purposed to listen with one ear to the hallelujahs of heaven and the other ear to the shrieks and groans of tormented souls in hell. Such a sober estimation and meditation on these souls gave Edwards an eternal perspective that marked his life’s every step. If we are to teach and preach like Jesus, we must address the subject of hell. Here are fifteen biblical truths about hell as we consider eternity and our ministry in these days.”

Do Christians Ever Need to Choose the Lesser Sin?

Wayne Grudem answers a common question. “I’m convinced that the idea that we sometimes have to choose the lesser sin because all our choices are sinful is a dangerous and deeply harmful idea for the Christian life. I’m aware that several evangelical ethics books claim that, from time to time, we face situations of what they call ‘impossible moral conflict’ where all our choices are sinful and we must simply choose to commit the lesser sin. I don’t see this taught in Scripture, honestly. It’s contradicted by the life of Christ.”

How To Help Your Daughter Respond to Mean Girls

Yes, we’ve run across mean girls in our years of parenting! “How do I help them respond well when they face gossip, verbal put-downs, or bullying? Here are three things I teach them.”

Flashback: Why We Love the Amish

If you spend time around the Amish, or if you begin to learn about their ways, you necessarily find yourself asking questions like: Do I really need my smartphone? Are all of these devices really bringing happiness?

Folks, if we could lose our salvation, we would.

—Voddie Baucham

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