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A La Carte (July 31)


I am not updating Kindle deals this week, so be sure to check in next week!

Building the Southern Hemisphere’s Highest Residences (Video)

I rather enjoyed this look at how Australians are building the highest residences in the southern hemisphere.

Small Beginnings: C. H. Spurgeon at Waterbeach

Geoffrey Chang takes a look at Spurgeon’s small beginnings at a small Baptist church in the village of Waterbeach, near Cambridge. “Far from an idyllic country setting, Waterbeach placed Spurgeon in the trenches of pastoral ministry where he saw the reality of suffering and sin.”

Amazon Is Watching

Amazon has become immensely powerful, and not just because of its control over the online marketplace. It is also developing a kind of surveillance that ought to concern us all. “The Internet giant is wiring homes, neighborhoods, and cities with cameras and microphones, and powering the nation’s intelligence services. Are we sure we can trust it?”

7 Ways to Persevere in Your Senior Years

What a joy and encouragement it is when seniors persevere and make the most of those years. “As we enter our senior years, we sense some changes. We are more realistic, and while we may still have dreams, we realize we have changed and have certain limitations. We may have retired from a job or ministry. We may wonder if we’re ‘done.’ That’s the human perspective. But how can we persevere with a biblical worldview as we age?”

What Kind of Legacy Will We Leave Behind?

What will missionaries leave behind them? For that, what will any of us leave behind?

David Tennant’s Shock from the Loss of Anonymity (Video)

I don’t know that I’ve ever watched a film with David Tennant and haven’t ever watched Doctor Who, but still enjoyed his reflections on what it was like to become very famous and lose that delightful gift of anonymity.

So You Want To Be the Next Charles Spurgeon?

“There are many aspiring pastors and missionaries who want to emulate their heroes in the faith. They want to preach to the masses like Charles Spurgeon or, like William Carey, be the pioneer who takes the Good News to a land that has no gospel witness. Desiring to have a fruitful or successful ministry is not wrong in itself, but here are a few suggestions for those dreaming of having a book-worthy life.”

Flashback: How to Create a Reading Culture in Your Church

The very first words and the very last words we want people to hear in the service are from scripture, a call to worship and a benediction. In between, we’re praying the Word, we’re preaching the Word, we’re singing the Word.

Let us labor to memorize the Word of God — for worship and for warfare.

—John Piper

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