What If She Lives With Us Forever? – “Call me crazy, but one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind when my daughter was born with Down syndrome was, ‘Will she live with us forever?’” This is a sweet article about love and disability. But mostly love.
Before You Watch Game of Thrones – Here, from John Piper, are some questions to ask before watching Game of Thrones.
How the Mormons Conquered America – There’s not a lot of new information here, but it’s still an informative look at Mormonism.
Is the Pope the Antichrist? – J.V. Fesko takes this one on over at the Crossway blog.
Mommy Guilt and the Cross – “Is there a mother out there that doesn’t feel guilty about her mothering?” If there is, I don’t think I’ve met her.
Clarity on Sanctification – Todd Pruitt shares some of what Derek Thomas has taught on the suddenly hot subject of sanctification.