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A La Carte (June 30)


Good morning. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

I just received copies of Kathleen Neilson’s new four-book series and am immediately a fan. They are on sale this week at Westminster Books.

A Brief History of How Friendships Like Yours Can Change the World

“Every Christian wants to make a difference. But few of us know how to turn that desire into action. We look around at all the needs and opportunities, and we think to ourselves, ‘So … what do I already have that can make actually a difference?’ There are countless ways to answer that question. But here’s one easy answer that’s usually overlooked: ‘Your friends!’ Let me explain.”

Why Does God Sometimes Not Answer Prayer?

Benjamin George writes that “many Christians today in India think of prayer as a type of magic, and that they have a ‘blank cheque’ with respect to prayer.” What’s true in India is true elsewhere! This article means to correct that misunderstanding.


Your website is most often the first impression people have of your church, ministry, or business. What are people seeing when they visit yours? Mere Agency knows how to build sites that make the right impression. They’ve done it for hundreds of organizations of all shapes and sizes and can do it for you. (Sponsored Link)

What is Mount Zion?

“Mount Zion is likely a term that you have heard before or read in Scripture, but may not have given much thought to what or where it is.” Lucas Hagen provides a small primer about a key biblical location.

Getting Beyond “Do You Believe in Jesus?”

“If you truly care about his or her soul, you will get beyond ‘do you believe in Jesus?’. It’s not enough to ask someone if they believe in Jesus. Sadly, a lot of the time even if they answer yes, they are still a hell-bound soul. Obviously, we can’t know people’s hearts, but we know what they say, and simply saying ‘I believe in Jesus’ is not enough.”

The Death of a Spouse

Edward Ruiz writes movingly about the death of a spouse. “I wanted to write a piece because I think it’s time to begin sharing this journey. Though I want to write about the death of a spouse as I continue to grieve, I know others reading this will or are facing their own grief, so I am writing as a way to preach the gospel to myself (and to others).”

The Underappreciated Blessing of Duty

I appreciated this article on the underappreciated blessing of duty. I’ve said it before: It’s a word I think we would do well to recover as Christians! “You and I live in a world that elevates personal desire above everything. And it is exhausting. The wisdom of the age says being true to yourself and following your dreams brings freedom. But how often the opposite is true!”

Flashback: A Soul Physician

When I see someone believing what is wrong or living in a way that dishonors God, I need to resist the temptation to offer the quick fix and instead to talk, to pray, to observe, and to trace that sin to its root.

Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them.” How many blackberries do you need to find on a bush before you know it’s a blackberry bush? It’s not a hundred.

—Colin Smith

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