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A La Carte (March 10)

In Everything Give Thanks

You will enjoy this short, powerful article from Jeremy Walker.

Mohler’s Top-10 Books of 2015

Avid readers know to be on the watch for Dr. Mohler’s top-ten books of the year. Preaching magazine just announced them.

Time Management of the Preacher

I really enjoyed Steve Lawson’s 10-minute podcast on time management. It is geared to the pastor, but there is value there for anyone, though perhaps especially for people in knowledge work.

Not As Awesome as You Think

Maybe, just maybe, you’re not as awesome as you’re naturally inclined to think you are.

Thinking in Thirds

Worship leaders and service planners will want to read this one from Jamie Brown. “The goal for all worship leaders should be to maintain a repertoire of songs that serves the congregation whom God has called them to serve.” Thinking in thirds will help do that.

Victims of a Drive-by Catechizing

James Faris shares a great little anecdote from his days as a hard-working but grumbling student.

This Day in 1748. 268 years ago today, former sailor and slave-trader, John Newton trusted in Christ for salvation. He would go on to be a pastor and songwriter, his most famous hymn being “Amazing Grace.” *

The Ten Commandments of Church Parking Lots

Yes, even parking matters to a well-run and visitor-friendly church. Thom Rainer explains.

Street-Level Headship

My friend Paul Carter offers a look at three different practical implications of headship in his home.


No man shall ever take from me the joy that Christ rose from the dead.

—Charles Spurgeon

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