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A La Carte (March 16)


May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include Tom Schreiner’s excellent The Joy of Hearing.

Westminster Books has some Easter resources on sale this week.

(Yesterday on the blog: How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Friendship)

Preaching from a Place of Fullness

“I have preached from a place of emptiness and from a place of fullness, and the experience of the one makes me long for the other.” Take the time to have Andrew explain what he means.

New Missionaries, From Your Older Brother

Dave was asked to speak at a missionary training school and tells about some of the wisdom he passed along.

Rick Warren Has Done the SBC a Great Service

Denny Burk listened to a recent interview with Rick Warren and explains the tactics Warren will use to lobby for women to be allowed in all positions of leadership within the SBC.

How are Old Testament land promises fulfilled? (Video)

Dr. John Currid tells how all those promises of land relate to us today.

How “You Too” Can Heal

Zach Barnhart: “Think about the people in the church with whom you practice community. It could be a small group you are a part of, a group you are pouring into or serving, or a handful of your close friends. What if the one thing that’s holding them back from stepping into real fellowship and vulnerability with your group is your own courageous choice to walk in the light before them?”

To Love Life and See Good Days

“How many of us desire to love life and see good days? My guess is it is all of us. Only the jaded have abandoned this hope. This desire for the good life may seem like something from the self-help section, but it is directly from scripture.” Doug Eaton explains.

Flashback: Why Some People Aren’t Christians

With all of this evangelism and all these opportunities for salvation, why don’t people become Christians? Here are a few reasons I’ve observed in recent interactions.

Beauty is both a gift and a map. It is a gift to be enjoyed and a map to be followed back to the Source of the beauty with praise and thanksgiving.

—Steve DeWitt

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