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A La Carte (March 19)

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a selection of books, many of them related to Good Friday or Easter.

(Yesterday on the blog: It Was Your Sin that Murdered Christ!)

How Do We Encourage Our Children to See The Church as Valuable?

Stephen Kneale writes, “We had an interesting, if perhaps emotionally loaded, discussion at our home group this evening. We have spent the last few months looking at our church membership covenant. We have six pledges that – whilst not quite a word-for-word rendering (I think) – owe their form and existence primarily to Thom Rainer’s book, I am a church member. The pledge was about bringing up our children to love the church. Much of the discussion centred on how we lead our children and families well.”

Blogging For God’s Glory

This is some helpful advice if you are considering starting a blog. And yes, there’s still a need for Christian bloggers.

Meat Expert Guesses Cheap vs Expensive Deli Meats (Video)

I found this video about deli meats strangely interesting and perhaps even helpful.

Sometimes the Starfish Story Doesn’t Work

Amy Medina writes, “We all know the story, right? Call me skeptical, but I wonder, why didn’t the young woman run and go get her friends? Why didn’t she call some sort of wildlife society to help her? Was she really the only person who cared about starfish? And what if, inadvertently, her starfish-saving effort was actually killing them as they fell upon the rocks? Yeah, I know. That’s not what the story is about.”

The Gift of a God-Fearing Grandma

“Grandmothers, do not underestimate your influence over your grandkids. What they see you value and the priorities that shape your day are teaching them. What you talk about, and who you talk to, communicates as well. You may not love their home life or the way their parents do things, but for the sake of their souls and their future, love them enough to give them something more than toys, sweets, clothes, and trips. Give them something that thirty years later, when you’re dead and gone, still will be bearing fruit in their lives and in others’ lives because of your intentionality, selflessness, sacrifice, and grace-driven persistence.”

Is Force Closing Apps Bad For Your Phone? (Video)

“Is force closing apps good for your phone? Is it actually bad for it? Circuit Breaker reporter Ashley Carman reports.” (In short, it’s not really bad for your phone, but it’s also entirely unnecessary.)

The Organized Mind of John Stott

“For almost sixty years of his fruitful career as pastor, writer, and evangelical leader, John Stott used a system of note cards to keep track of quotations and stories that he wanted to use in his sermons and books. With the help of his faithful secretary Frances Whitehead, he filed these cards away in his office at All Souls Langham Place, the church in London where he pastored for many years.”

Flashback: When I Am God

When I am god, I am enslaved. When God is God, I am free. I thank God that God is God.

We need to remember that we are saved by grace when we fail. But we need to remember it much more when we succeed.

—Tim Keller

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