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A La Carte (March 20)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Five Things We Teach Our Kids When We Don’t Know They’re Watching – This is good: “As adults we often tend to believe that kids aren’t paying attention. But, we teach them so many things when we don’t even realize that they’re tuned in. And, for the record, kids are always tuned in, even when they seem mesmerized by the TV. Here are five things we teach our kids when we don’t know they’re watching.”

Genuine Repentance – What does genuine repentance look like? Jared Wilson offers twelve marks.

The Osteenification of American Christianity – Hank Hanegraaff: “Joel Osteen is the prime provocateur of a seductive brand of American Christianity that reduces God to a means to our ends. A message that beckons multitudes to the table of the Master, not for the love of the Master but for what is on the table. He is the de facto high priest of a new brand of Christianity perfectly suited for a feel-good generation.”

Whither the Prosperity Gospel? – “So, the question remains, where are all the people who once thronged the Crystal Cathedral. The Charlottesville correspondent explains to the American scholars: ‘They are at home, having their self-esteem puffed up by a new breed of prosperity-Gospel preacher, including Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, and T.D. Jakes’.” (HT)

Some Things Are Worth Dying For – “Friendship is war because friendships are hard! The culprit is a dark enemy that keeps men from knowing each other and being known. This enemy is not what we usually think of — busyness, introverted personalities or lack of opportunity. The dark enemy that fights against our friendships is the Dark Trinity of Satan, our flesh, and the world.”

Six Reasons to Read Women of Faith and Courage – Vance Christie is an excellent biographer. In this article he gives you six good reasons to read his new volume Women of Faith and Courage which shares short biographies of five women.

Acting the Miracle

When it comes to killing my sin I don’t wait for the miracle, I act the miracle.

—John Piper

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