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A La Carte (March 24)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Shelf-Life Of Worship Songs – Jamie Brown: “Things are not as simple for worship leaders/church music directors as they used to be. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s certainly a more complicated thing.”

Closing Accounts – This is a sad and sobering account of elder care today.

Blaine Boyer And His Personal Entourage – I enjoyed this story about Blaine Boyer and his baseball career.

Witchdoctors, Football, and Understanding Africa – This is definitely one of the most interesting articles you’ll read today.

He Knows – “He knew what joys this day would hold and He knows what sorrows tomorrow may hold, and whatever comes we know that we little unknowing ones are held close.”

Keep a Close Watch on Your Life and Illustrations – “I for one think sermon illustrations are way overrated. Yep, I said it. I think too much emphasis is put on illustrations in how we train preachers and in too many actual sermons.”


We stand in the present but dwell on the past in order that we can be steadfast for the future.

—Dale Ralph Davis

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