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A La Carte (March 29)


I didn’t track down any Kindle deals today. I expect we will see a lot next week as the TGC conference gets rolling.

We Need to Help New Converts from Non-Christian Backgrounds Honor Their Families

This may be really helpful in multicultural contexts. “When Youth for Christ (the ministry I work for) first began to see young people coming to Christ from non-Christian backgrounds, we were naturally concerned about the rejection they might face from family members. We tried to ensure them that any rejection they experienced at home would be offset by warm acceptance in the Christian community. Soon, however, we realized that our counsel may have been unwise. Too often, we failed to stress how important it is for new believers to maintain good relationships with their families. In our excitement at seeing conversions, we overlooked the importance of healthy family relationships.”

Sowing Confusion on The Christian College Campus

Al Mohler: “When an evangelical college campus and the sexual revolution collide, theological conviction and biblical fidelity often crumble. The full force of the LGBTQ movement will stop at nothing until it has secured total capitulation. When Christian institutions and college campuses open the door to what they perceive as a minor concession to the sexual revolution, they soon find out that no moral concession is minor.”

The Numbers Behind Amazon’s Market Reach

Amazon has truly become a behemoth! “The company is best known as the world’s largest online store. But of course Amazon is much more than that. It sells advertising on its website, making the company a small but growing rival to Facebook and Google. Amazon is a hardware maker, with an expanding line of smart speakers and video streaming gadgets. Amazon Studios makes original television shows and movies and is starting to steal awards from Netflix and HBO.” Etc, etc…

Since its launch at The Passion Conference in 2017, The Jesus Bible has over 165,000 copies in circulation, earning top rankings on Amazon Bibles and named one of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s overall bestselling study Bibles in 2017. The Jesus Bible is now serving a wider audience with three new editions: The Jesus Bible NIV in Comfort Print, The Jesus Bible ESV, and the Spanish translation La Biblia Jesús NVI. Spearheaded by Louie Giglio and the team at Passion, this Bible highlights the story of Jesus throughout the whole of Scripture and includes compelling essays from bestselling authors like Max Lucado, John Piper, Ravi Zacharias, and Randy Alcorn.

Why Pro-Choice People Won’t Define What “Abortion” Really Is (or Where It Leads)

“The success of the contemporary pro-abortion-rights movement depends on at three two things: (1) retaining their reign within the most visible, powerful, and effective means of public communication (education, media, and the courts); (2) downplaying the ghastly nature of what they are really advocating; and (3) denying the logical outcome of their view that those with power are able to eliminate those who are weaker.”

On Being Had

On a similar note: “We have been had. The saying goes, ‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.’ And we have been fooled six ways from Sunday.”

4 Ways Churches Can Cater to Adults with Special Needs

Is your church welcoming to those with special needs? “Steven Watson believes there’s a very practical reason many people don’t go to church—one that has nothing to do with their beliefs. ‘If we pulled back the doors in our communities, I think we’d be shocked at how many people aren’t going to church because there’s no place for their special needs loved ones to go,’ he says.”

You’re Using a Cutting Board Incorrectly

“We’re shocked too. It seems so obvious, so logical. And yet …”

Flashback: Can I Ask a Dumb Question?

We ought to learn from Jesus the value of extending grace to people to say things that sound outrageous to our ears. We have to be patient and kind and forgiving. We have to be realistic. Before we expect people to say things that are wise, we first need to let them say things that are dumb.

Do you feel loved by God because you believe he makes much of you, or because you believe he frees you and empowers you to enjoy making much of him?

—John Piper

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