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A La Carte (March 5)

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Taking God at His Word – I’m really excited about this new book by Kevin DeYoung.

Something More – Be sure to check out this powerful little three-minute film.

Sex Scandals in Conservative Homeschool Circles – This is some hard-hitting writing from Lore Ferguson. “These parents intended to protect, and they did, but drawing boundary lines close around your daughter still does not protect her from herself. Naming things as off limits to your son does not keep him from delving into the darkness in his own heart.”

Bible Literacy and Bible Trivia – “For some time now, people have been rightly concerned about the trajectory of biblical literacy. Talking to those who have been teaching Bible/theology for many years, they all say that one of the greatest challenges they face is that people just don’t know the Bible like they used to.” But this can’t be solved with Bible trivia.

Choosing a Secure Password – There’s some good counsel here on choosing a secure password. It also warns you away from the tricks that don’t actually make a difference.

What Is Conscience? – Joe Carter has a brief primer on the conscience.


No man who is full of himself can ever truly preach the Christ who emptied himself.

—J. Sidlow Baxter

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