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A La Carte (March 7)


Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals.

Logos continues with their March Madness, working their way down to some great deals. In the meantime, they’ve got a Hall of Fame sale on the works of D.A. Carson.

Chance the Rapper

Shai Linne is an exceptional rapper and an astute theologian. That’s why I’ve been looking forward to his promised review of Chance the Rapper’s much-praised album “Coloring Book” which some have lauded as a bravely Christian album. Shai sets the record straight.

Decluttering Evernote

Here’s good counsel for anyone who has been using Evernote for a while and found it getting all cluttered up.

A Small Church in a Mega-Church World

This is a good word at a time when mega seems to be the expectation. “Our culture is consumed with results and numbers as a way of validation. There are many small time pastors who are faithful to preach the gospel and in a moment of despair ask, ‘Why are our pews empty? Does God not bless faithful preaching?’”

VidAngel’s Holy War Against Hollywood Profanity

Here’s an interesting article on VidAngel and their war on profanity (and sexuality) in film.

Hearing Hot and Cold (Video)

Did you know that your ears can hear the difference between hot and cold water? Give it a listen!

Five Reminders As We Serve the Dying and Their Families

“I never imagined that I would find myself so familiar with death as a pastor. I studied theology in seminary and learned about expositing a text and leading the church, but I don’t ever remember reading a book about what to do when visiting someone on their deathbed.”

Wrestling with God

Sometimes we wrestle with the Lord and sometimes we wrestle against the Lord. There’s an important difference between them.

Flashback: My Too-Weak Tribute to Jerry Bridges

I met Jerry Bridges just once. We were at the same conference–he to speak and I to write. A mutual friend came to me and said, “Jerry would like to meet you.” We found an out-of-the-way room and talked for just a few minutes. To tell the truth, I do not remember a lot about our conversation, but I did come away with two conclusions.

If your view of the cross could not be taken as a scandal and an offense, you’ve lost the plot.

—Jared Wilson

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