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A La Carte (May 16)


It was a late night last night and thus a bit of a slow start today. But we successfully pulled off a wedding and had a great time of it. Congratulations to Nathan and Abby!

Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little collection of books on a crucial topic.

(Yesterday on the blog: Two Lives Blending Into One Life)

Why Pro-Lifers Support Laws to Punish Abortionists but Not Mothers

Denny Burk explains why the majority of pro-lifers support laws that would punish abortionists but not mothers. “One of the perennial points of debate between pro-lifers and abortion advocates is why pro-lifers don’t support laws to punish women who obtain abortions. Some abortion proponents even argue that this is some sort of inconsistency on the part of pro-lifers—as if not prosecuting women who get abortions reveals that we don’t really believe an abortion actually kills a human being.”

The FAQs: Senate Democrats Unveil Their Roadmap for Protecting Abortion

Also on the subject of abortion, Joe Carter explains how the Senate Democrats hope and plan to protect abortion. “Fearing that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade sometime this summer, Senate Democrats forced a vote on Wednesday to advance a bill that would enshrine abortion rights into federal law.” Though it failed, it did show their roadmap.

6 Basic Realities about a Man’s Identity

This is great stuff from David Powlison. “Your true identity is who God says you are. You will never discover who you are by looking inside yourself or listening to what others say. The Lord gets the first word because he made you. He gets the daily word because you live before his face. He gets the last word because he will administer your final ‘comprehensive life review.’”

Photos Show Ukraine’s Bible Belt Struck Down But Not Destroyed

This is an interesting dispatch from Ukraine.

Can a Christian Fall Away? How to Hear the Warnings in Hebrews

“I get asked two questions every time I teach Hebrews. You can probably guess both. (1) Who wrote Hebrews? That one’s always first. And (2) what are we supposed to do with Hebrews’ warning passages? Does Hebrews teach that believers can lose their salvation?” The second gets a good treatment here.

Two Stones In My Pocket

“Now I watch my own children. The most secure one is also the friendliest and happiest. The most insecure one can be the most irritable and mean. Feeding my parental fears, I listened to a YouTube psychologist explain that narcissists are deeply insecure. Which rings true.”

Flashback: Fathers (and Mothers), Do Not Provoke Your Children!

Do not provoke with impatience and injustice, but instead shepherd with nurture and tenderness, and do this through discipline and instruction.

I cannot protect my children from my weaknesses. As hard as I may try, at some point my sin will affect their lives. However, the way I deal with my failure can provide an example for them to follow.

—Melissa Kruger

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