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A La Carte (May 19)


I did not track down any Kindle deals today. However, if you are an Olive Tree user, you may be interested in picking up Visual Theology which they’ve just added to their catalog.

Why Believers Must Avoid Immoral Joking

I quite agree. “I write these very words because I, too, could easily fall into the trap of ungodly speech – and I must daily remember these truths myself. Here’s why we must fight for holiness in our joking.”

Same-Sex Marriage Cannot Deliver on Its Promise

This video of Al Mohler is all of 46 seconds long, but well worth watching. (See also David Murray’s An Al Mohler Prophecy Comes True.)

The Power of Public Prayer in the Church

Pastors (and others) would do well to read Kent Hughes’ article on the power of public prayer. It contains some helpful practical instruction.

Heron vs Catfish

They say that nature is red in tooth and claw. And beak, apparently, as you’ll note if you watch this heron go one-on-one with a giant catfish.

Are You Flexible for the Gospel?

D.A. Carson asks the question. This is such an important issue for Christians to understand and apply.

This Day in 1536. 480 years ago today, Henry VIII had his wife Anne Boleyn beheaded on spurious allegations of adultery and witchcraft. *

The Changing American Diet

This is an interesting, interactive look at the changing American diet.

Bad Motives? No Problems

“Scripture is full of surprises, but most of Scripture’s teaching on the motives of our hearts is not so surprising,” says Ed Welch.

Flashback: No Man Left Behind

“As Christians, we are charged with caring for one another—the shepherds first and every church member after them. It brings all manner of joy, comfort and security when we affirm, and when we insist, that we will not leave even one person behind.”


Friendship does not flow out of great sexual chemistry. Sexual chemistry grows out of terrific friendship.

—Tim Keller

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