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A La Carte (May 27)

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Good morning from somewhere between Tirana and Munich as I make my way home after a thoroughly enjoyable conference and worship service in Albania. What a blessing to be able to praise the Lord in a nation that for so long seemed to be unreachable. The Lord is good!

Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks published by Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Deadly Foe of Spiritual Growth)

Critical Dynamics of Criticism

“If we’re honest, we would have to admit that we would rather criticize others by means of sinful gossip and slander than go to them in a forthright and loving manner. We would rather dole criticism out than have to be subject to it ourselves. Our aversion to criticism often comes from the fact that we have far more sinful pride alive in our hearts that we would ever want to admit.”

Behind Jordan Peterson’s ‘Biblical’ Teaching Is His Own Humanistic Agenda

This is a helpful one from Larry Taunton for those who are convinced that Jordan Peterson is a valid teacher of the Bible (or either a Christian or almost a Christian). “Peterson catapulted to fame, not as a religious teacher where he is utterly lost, but as one who offered a biting critique of a Western culture that has come off the rails and practical advice to young men who desperately needed it. To the delight of sensible people everywhere, he is mocked mercilessly. But that is what Peterson does when it comes to the God of the Bible. Worse, he contorts historic biblical meaning to fit his own humanistic agenda.”

The Christian’s Keystone Habit

Reagan Rose describes what he understands as the keystone habit for the Christian.

Getting Out of the Burnout Pit

“Though burnout is often associated with one’s vocation, you don’t need to be in the working world to experience its symptoms. Worldly counsel advises us to practice self-care: take a break, take a walk, take a vacation. While there’s nothing wrong with those things, my experience binging on Netflix to escape the pain of my life told me otherwise. The more I justified my actions believing ‘you deserve a break today’ the smaller my heart became—angry, resentful. I became bitter, not better.”

Is Salvation by Faith in Jesus Unfair to Those Who Never Hear of Him?

Amy follows in R.C. Sproul’s footsteps as she addresses a very common (and very understandable) question.

King Crimson – My Thoughts on that Portrait

I’m sure you’ve seen that now-infamous portrait of King Charles. I appreciated Chris Green’s thoughts on it—especially since, unlike most of us, he has actually seen it.

Flashback: Getting Older Involves a Lot of Dying

Obviously physical mortality will be my final end, just as it has been for everyone else, but I’m seeing there is lots more I’ll need to die to before that.

We have only one thing to do—to obey Christ. In whatever way His will is made known to us, whether in His word, through our own consciences, or in His providences, we have but to accept it and do it.

—J.R. Miller

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