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A La Carte (May 28)

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Portrait of a Young Man with Down Syndrome – This is a long but interesting article about a dad trying to help his son find employment. His son has Down Syndrome, introducing an extra measure of challenge.

Northern India – Here is a great video of some of the best sights in Northern India.

What I’ve Learned in Twenty Years of Marriage – Russell Moore is one of my favorite writers and articles like this are exactly why. He describes some of what he’s learned in twenty years of marriage.

Al Mohler’s Summer Reading List – I always look forward to Al Mohler’s list of recommended summer reading. Here is the 2014 edition.

Faking Cultural Literacy – This could apply to the church as well. “It’s never been so easy to pretend to know so much without actually knowing anything. We pick topical, relevant bits from Facebook, Twitter or emailed news alerts, and then regurgitate them.”

Dangers of Theological Controversy – This is an important look at some of the dangers that can come during times of theological controversy.


No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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