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A La Carte (May 29)

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Leaving and Cleaving – “Leaving and cleaving does not negate honouring father and mother: it produces a mature honouring that uses parental training and teaching to contribute to church and society.”

Behind the Bow Tie – You might enjoy this short profile on Dr. Robert Plummer of Southern Seminary. (HT:JT)

$5 Friday – Don’t forget that every Friday Ligonier puts a selection of items on sale at $5 each. There are some good books and teaching series there today.

My Father Killed My Mother – Joel Lindsey tells his story of both tragedy and beauty.

Praying Most For What You Love the Most – “Your prayer-life is a measure of your spiritual maturity. … Your prayer lives exposes you to the reality that what is nearest and dearest to your hearts are those things for which you pray the most. It is an inescapable rule.”

Gospel-Centered Husbandship – “The opposite of a gospel-centered husband, I think, is a comfortable husband.” I might just agree.

Lost in New Zealand – New Zealand is just about at the top of places I want to visit, and this video shows why. You know what to do: HD and full screen.

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