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A La Carte (May 9)


Blessings to you on this fine day.

The Growth of Good Theology in Africa

This is an excellent article from TGC as they profile Ken Mbugua and tell about his work in Kenya.

Do you need to go to deliverance ministries?

And speaking of good theology in Africa (in general) and Kenya (in particular), here’s an article from Kuza about deliverance ministries.

Studying the Bible is not Code Breaking

“Some Christians act like the Bible is written in a mysterious language, accessible only to a select few. Bible study is left to the brilliant, the professionals who can teach the rest of us.” This is not right!

The Book That Packed A Punch

“Marking time is an odd aspect of human existence. Anniversaries divisible by five, ten, or twenty-five have more significance than those using lesser divisors. A centennial or bi-centennial raises the stakes even higher. The hundredth anniversary this year of Christianity and Liberalism, penned by the then Princeton Seminary professor J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937), has prompted some Protestants to take another look at the book that Yale historian, Sydney Ahlstrom, called the ‘chief theological ornament’ of Protestant fundamentalism.”

What’s the Difference between Venting and Lamenting?

“Christians today are increasingly aware of the importance of emotions. This growing emotional awareness is a positive development—especially when we learn how to process those emotions with God! At the same time, and perhaps even connected to this heightened emotional awareness, there is a growing recognition of the importance of lament. But as we think through processing our emotions and practicing lament, there is an important distinction to make. That distinction is the difference between venting and lamenting.”

A Plea for Fewer Metaphors in Children’s Talks

TGC Australia offers some pointers for those who teach children.

Flashback: The Parable of the Acorn

We find ourselves attuned more to our spiritual defeats than spiritual victories, more to the sin that remains than the holiness won. Though we may not be who and what we once were, we are still not nearly who and what we long to be.

So dear is sin to a man, that he will rather part with a child than a lust…

—Thomas Watson

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