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A La Carte (November 11)


Today’s Kindle deals include some classics and a whole lot of newer works.

(Parenthetically, I happened to notice that Amazon has Timbuk2 backpacks and bags on sale today; that makes them really good bags at a very good price.)

Will We Remember Our Life in Heaven? Even the Trauma?

Wyatt Graham goes swimming in some deep waters here. “Imagine entering into heaven. Joy fills your soul. But you see some object that triggers a traumatic memory from your life. What happens to that joy now? Or say you had lived a life without trauma, yet your loved one did not share your faith. Can you rightly enjoy heaven when your spouse, child, or loved perdures in eternal perdition?”

Christian Sexual Ethic Is Going To Be the Dividing Line — and Not Just Because of Christians

Andrew T. Walker: “Sexual ethics have indeed become what many of us refer to as a status confessionis issue. A status confessionis issue is one that is essential to the church’s message. It means that issues arise of such importance in the life of the church that the church must make declarative proclamation that not to believe something that the church deems essential is to declare one’s self outside the bounds of faith.”

Impasse Ahead!

“Here is my thanksgiving column this year: gratitude to God for allowing me to stay alive long enough to stop assuming that the same road going nowhere will turn out OK this time around.” That is worth being thankful for!

You only live once—if then. How do we make the most of life and the time we have? In the midst of our harried modern world, speaker and social critic Os Guinness calls us to consequential living in his new book Carpe Diem Redeemed. We can seek to serve God’s purpose for our generation, read the times, and discern our call for this moment in history.

The Spectacular Rise and Fall of WeWork (Video)

This video aptly explains why so many people are talking about WeWork.

9 Things You Should Know About the Armenian Genocide

It is a horrific chapter in history—one of the worst atrocities of modern times.

My Face Became a Meme

This article reminds me that some of what we share online just for fun actually comes at the expense of innocent people.

What Would You Do For An Idol

The details vary from person to person, but each of us bows to some kind of an idol. “Nothing was going to stop me from achieving this dream, though. If excessive working out, an overly restricted diet, an intense daily stretching routine, braces, an expensive skin-care regimen, and no social life was the way to a successful career, then so be it.”

Flashback: Keep a Close Watch on Yourself!

Crumbling behavior and crumbling beliefs, a shipwrecked life or a shipwrecked faith, both result from a lack of vigilance. This is why it is your responsibility to “keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching”.

Fight for us, O God, that we not drift numb and blind and foolish into vain and empty excitements…Heaven is too great, hell is too horrible, eternity is too long that we should putter around on the porch of eternity.

—John Piper

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