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A La Carte (November 14)

Today’s Kindle deals include an amazing selection. There are lists of books from Crossway, Matthias Media, Zondervan, and more. Visit the Kindle Deals for Christians page to see them.

9 Things Titus 2 Women Do

I really enjoyed this one. “When I think about these women—whether they are slightly or significantly older than me, and despite their varying seasons of life—I noticed some common traits…”

600 Hours

What did you do last year? According to the statistics, you watched 600 hours of Netflix. That’s almost a month of mornings, noons, and nights.

Are You Tolerant?

This apologetic video is perhaps just a bit simplistic, but still educational. It’s clearly directed to students to help them deal with tolerance.

The Worth of the Weak

Andrew Kerr speculates on why God allows there to be both weak and strong within the same church. “We need both the weak and strong, like a hammer of grace, to knock us into shape, and work out the practical implications of the Gospel in our lives.”

Why Does Anyone Become a Christian?

Tim Keller asks and answers with an interesting historical perspective.

A Day in the Life of a Bakoum Pastor

Pastor, next time you’re tempted to grumble…

This Day in 1741. 275 years ago today English revivalist George Whitefield married Elizabeth Burnell. *

The Ocean Is Deeper Than You Think

Yup. This video shows just how deep it goes.

Glass Ceiling Or A Roof Over Your Head?

People all over the world are asking what significance Trump’s victory (following, of course, on the heels of Brexit) means for them. Here’s a helpful perspective from Australia. “Hillary Clinton lost the US election because she was talking about glass ceilings to people who were simply worried about keeping a roof over their heads.”

Flashback: Finding Joy, Finding Hope

What amazes me is that though Paul endured an amazing amount of abuse and torment, he continued to be full of joy. I went looking for the source of Paul’s joy…


The living Word, Jesus Christ, presently rules His church through His written Word, the Scriptures.

—Steven Lawson

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