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A La Carte (November 22)


Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and family! I trust you’ll have a day filled with the great gifts of joy and gratitude.

Today I’m going to stick to just A La Carte, then tomorrow I’ll be back with a round-up of Black Friday deals. There are lots of good ones rolling in, so be sure to check in.

(Yesterday on the blog: My New Book: Run to Win)

When I Grow Up…

“Just as when we were children, what we want to be in future needs to shape what we do now, as it will be shaped almost entirely (barring a miraculous intervention from God) by what we do now. If you wanted to be a pianist, ballerina or footballer, you needed to practise your piano scales, ballet steps or ball skills. If you want to have a rich and fruitful old age you need to start planting and cultivating the corresponding fruit trees now.”

Pharisees, Tax Collectors, and the Politics of Self-Righteousness

This is a bit long but I think very helpful. “These days it doesn’t take much to notice the polarization and disintegration of discourse in the public square. Far more difficult is the task of identifying the root causes of our political divisions. What are the spiritual and moral dynamics lying behind the dismemberment of our body politic and, all too often, of the Body of Christ?”

9 Things You Should Know About the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Joe Carter: “What (RFRA) basically says is that the government should be held to a very high level of proof before it interferes with someone’s free exercise of religion. This judgment is shared by the people of the United States as well as by the Congress. We believe strongly that we can never, we can never be too vigilant in this work. Here is what you should know about this landmark religious liberty law.”

The 4,000-Year-Old Termite Mounds The Size of Britain

“Researchers estimate that there are some 200 million mounds here, covering a vast region nearly equal to the size of Great Britain. The amount of soil excavated is over 10 cubic kilometers, equivalent to the volume of 4,000 great pyramids of Giza. This makes them the biggest engineering project by any animal besides humans. Incredibly, some of these mounds are as old as the Pyramids themselves.” God created some amazing creatures, didn’t he?

Convictions and Consequences

You ought to read about Isabella Chow and what she has endured. “When Isabella Chow, a student senator at the University of California, Berkeley, decided to abstain from a pro-LGBT vote and instead explain her Christian views, she knew she’d have to weather a storm. She just didn’t expect that storm to involve a torrent of F-bombs and demands for her resignation.”

Devoted to Prayer: the Gift of Keeping a Record

“Crossing things from the list doesn’t seem to happen often, but when I reflect over the course of a year, I can see the Lord at work in ways I would have missed if not for the record keeping that comes with the list.”

The EPSON International Pano Awards 2018

There are some stunning photos in the annual Pano Awards.

Flashback: Great Quotes on Great Leadership

Al Mohler’s book The Conviction to Lead is probably the best book on leadership I’ve ever read. (You may want to read my review) I recently went back through the book looking for the quotes that most stood out to me. Here is a small collection.

Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.

—A.W. Tozer

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