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A La Carte (November 27)

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Dr. Everett Piper: A Man Among Boys

Rod Dreher highlights Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. “Many of us have wondered when a university president was going to stand up and push back against the student bullies, instead of grovel and coddle them.” He did just that.

I Was Walking on Blood

Two Parisian doctors tell of their experience in the aftermath of the terrorism in that city.

The Secret of Spiritual Joy

Cruciform Press has just released a new book by Bill Farley titled The Secret of Spiritual Joy. It’s about the power of gratitude to replace our self-pity and grumbling with deep inner joy, and today through Monday it’s available for 25pct off with coupon code secret25.

Jesus Fell Asleep

Here’s a comforting bit of writing from Wendy Alsup.

Why Controversy Is Sometimes Necessary

Al Mohler: “Is it ever right for Christians and churches to engage in controversy? Of course, the answer is yes—there are times when believers are divided over serious and consequential questions, and controversy is an inevitable result.”

This Day in 1095. 920 years ago today, Pope Urban II called for a crusade against Islamic oppressors. *

How Gross Is Your Mattress?

I don’t mean to ruin your sleep, but, well, there it is. “Even if you curl up to sleep solo, you’re not alone…”

Self-Destructing Tabs

Here’s a way of limiting the amount of time you waste online.


God did not love the world because the world is lovely. God loved the world because God is love.

—Shai Linne

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