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A La Carte (November 8)

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The God of peace be with you today, my friends.

There are lots of great Kindle deals this morning, including a couple of books for people struggling with pornography, Christopher Yuan’s book that explains a biblical view of sexuality, and a biography of the great D.L. Moody. You’ll also find Don Whitney’s classic Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.

Guard Kids’ Eyes and Hearts Online

“I’m a career law enforcement official who has been working exclusively on child exploitation cases for the past six years. I’m also a parent and serve as an elder in my local church. So I’ve had the opportunity to study the issue of online exploitation from multiple perspectives.” It would be wise for parents to read his counsel.

Which New Testament Commands Should Christians Obey?

Some commands in the New Testament were clearly meant for only certain individuals while others were meant for everyone. How can we distinguish them?

Try Out The New Logos for Free

I am all-in on Logos. With Logos, unlock deeper, more efficient Bible study through a powerful fusion of digital books and study tools. The new Logos now uses AI with your trusted library of Biblical resources to give you answers to all your Bible questions. Today you can try out the new Logos with an extended free trial for up to 60-days. Try for free here: (Sponsored)

Dear New York Times

Kristin addresses an article in the New York Times that gets prayer completely wrong. “Snippets of truth swirled together with error, and opinions that, if swallowed whole, will lead many far from God.”

The Game Really Is Up For The Mainstream Media (Just Like Last Time)

Stephen McAlpine explains what the mainstream media got wrong (again) and tells, briefly, how it matters for Christians.

How can Christians best bear one another’s burdens? (Video)

Christians are called to bear one another’s burdens. In this brief video, Dr. Scott Redd explains what this looks like.

The Church’s Unsung Hero: The Persevering Sunday School Teacher

Trevin Wax celebrates one of the local church’s unsung heroes.

Flashback: How To Draw Near To The Throne of Grace

…as we draw near, we will become more like him—our desires will become submitted to his and our will will yield to his. We will find ourselves in harmony with God and delight ourselves in his answer to our prayer, no matter what it is.

A church characterized by a small experience of forgiveness will be characterized by a small expression of love.

—Peter Hubbard

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