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A La Carte (October 18)


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are some good Kindle deals today, including a new biography about the Spurgeons.

(Yesterday on the blog: God’s Pop-Up Book)

Deadly children’s games

I expect you’ve been hearing about Netflix’s hit series Squid Game. This review from WORLD tells what it’s all about.

A Cultural Moment for Revival?

“While our culture continues to slip into chaotic depravity, more and more people are voicing their fears and frustrations. What will become of this country? What will become of the world? What challenges will our children face? The darkness seems to be overtaking the light.” But all is not lost.

God’s not “They:” Divine Pronouns Matter

John Stonestreet is clear that we should not mess with God’s pronouns. “God isn’t a force or an energy with no opinion of what we think about Him. God is a person, with specific characteristics. God is not a nebulous blob to be molded according to our wishes. God is infinite, but He is not indefinite.”

Planting Forests

This is a needed reminder that good things often take plenty of time. “Yes, it often took hundreds of years for the momentum to grow strong and wide enough for large-scale change. But should that mean we don’t make the attempt? Not at all.”

From “What if” to “Even If”

“Someone once said that if the thing we worry about doesn’t happen, we’ve wasted all that angst and energy and head space. And if it does happen, we’ve doubled the toll it would have taken by worrying about it beforehand. That helps me put aside worried questions and supposing. But something else helps me even more.”

Here’s help for the preacher who feels like he’s in a rut. “Unfortunately, not all ruts are equal. Ruts on the farm can keep you from driving into a hole. But what about when you feel like you are in a rut when preaching?”

The Week Coleraine Stood Still

This is an inspiring account of the 1859 revival in the town of Coleraine, on the north coast of Ireland.

Flashback: Pastoring Is So Much More Than Preaching

A shepherd doesn’t only lead his sheep to pasture and water, but also watches them to guard them from all harm.

Consider how precious a soul must be, when both God and the devil are after it.

—Charles Spurgeon

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