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A La Carte (October 31)


Good morning still and again from Unalaska where the fog has come in and flights have been cancelled. We had planned to leave yesterday but are now going to be stuck here until at least Wednesday!

I dug up a few new Kindle deals for you today, though it’s not quite as extensive as yesterday’s massive list…

(Yesterday on the blog: 20 Years of Daily Blogging and Other Miscellania)

Movies, Moral Revulsion, and a Post-Christian Age

This is a strong piece by Samuel James as he considers how movies may glamorize the very thing they are supposedly critiquing.

Saying Our Prayers

Andrea considers hypocrisy—our own and that of other faiths.

“My Greatest Accomplishment”—I Get it Now, Mom

“And oh dear Lord, I am so glad that I had children—so grateful that you entrusted me with these four precious souls who are forever ‘mine.’ Yes, raising them was hard. To varying degrees, they gobbled up my time, my energy, my money, my sleep, my space, my patience, and sometimes my sanity, but they are still and always will be my greatest accomplishments.”

Free eBook: R.C. Sproul’s Commentary on Romans

It’s Reformation Day, when many Protestants celebrate the recovery of the biblical gospel that took place in the sixteenth century. It was while Martin Luther was studying the book of Romans that he rediscovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone. So, today Ligonier Ministries is offering R.C. Sproul’s commentary on Romans as a free ebook. Download your copy to enjoy a verse-by-verse exploration of the rich gospel truths woven throughout Paul’s letter. (Sponsored Link)

When Death Starts to Take Our Friends

Stephen McAlpine: “So you reach an age when your friends all start to die. News that Friends star, Matthew Perry, died suddenly on Sunday after an apparent heart attack in his hot tub, met with the usual outpouring of grief. And rightly so. He was a gifted man, a tortured man, an honest man about his gifts and tortures.”

What Does It Mean to Grieve the Holy Spirit?

Fred Sanders considers if and how we can grieve the Holy Spirit.

Less leader and more shepherd and servant

Stephen Kneale looks to the Bible to encourage pastors to be less leader and more shepherd and servant. “Who is head of the church? In true Sunday School style, everyone knows the answer, as always, is Jesus. Colossians 1 and Ephesians 5 both says it so. Jesus is head of the church. But, if Jesus is the head of the church, where does that put pastors and elders?”

Flashback: Things for Christian Men To Think About

I have had a few opportunities in the past few weeks to interact with Christian men. Along the way I’ve jotted down a few thoughts that arose from those conversations. I thought I’d share them…

Learn much of the Lord Jesus. For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ. He is altogether lovely. Such infinite majesty, and yet such meekness and grace, and all for sinners, even the chief!

—Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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