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A La Carte (September 11)

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Planting Seeds of Truth in Your Public School

This isn’t an article about where or how to educate your children, but about how to reach into public schools. “For many years, our public schools have been seen as battlefields. Nothing much grows on a battlefield, though. Instead, our schools should be viewed as gardens to cultivate. Tending your garden involves nurturing relationships with a small number of people within your immediate sphere of responsibility.”

The Five-Second Rule

You know the five-second rule for dropped food, right? Here’s a scientific investigation of whether or not that five seconds makes a difference. And now you know…

Divorce for Pornography?

I was interested to read David Murray’s article about the question of divorce when there is rampant use of pornography by one spouse. The subsequent discussion is equally interesting. David says: “Until last week, I’ve usually come down on the ‘No’ side, but having seen and heard more and more about this kind of sin, last week, for the first time, I found myself moving towards a hesitant ‘Yes’.”

Redemption Accomplished and AppliedA New/Old Book. One of the best books you will ever read—and a book every Christian ought to read–now has a great new cover (finally!), new typesetting, and a new foreword by Carl Trueman. It’s a great refresh. Be sure to check out this new edition of John Murray’s classic Redemption Accomplished and Applied.

Extemporaneous Preaching

Nick Batzig reflects on 8 years of extemporaneous preaching. I love the article and the idea, but have never been brave enough to try it!

Christian Virtue in the Age of Authenticity

Kevin DeYoung: “In a day where people disdain hypocrisy more than any other vice and prize transparency more than any other virtue, you can be as obnoxious as you want to be, fail spectacularly, and sin repeatedly, as long as you never pretend to be any better than you really are.”


I think you will appreciate Randy Alcorn’s reflections on God’s kindness expressed in our utter dependence.


From biblical times to our time, godly people have always been spiritually disciplined people.

—Donald Whitney

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