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A La Carte (September 11)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

I scrounged up a couple of new Kindle deals for today; if you didn’t check in over the weekend, be sure to look at Saturday’s very long list of both Christian and general market deals.

A Friend on the Trail of Tears: How a Baptist Missionary Became a Cherokee

This is a great telling of the inspirational life and ministry of Evan Jones who was a Baptist missionary to the Cherokee Indians.

Is the Lord’s Day the Christian Sabbath?

Christians differ on whether the Lord’s Day is the Christian sabbath. This article explains why some people do not believe it is. Whether or not you agree, it’s definitely a clear and thorough argument.

How to Waste Your Counseling

“We met with our counselor three times. I didn’t offer him much to work with. Mostly because I didn’t think there was much to offer. But also because I feared his judgment of me. He offered simple but helpful wisdom. We wouldn’t meet with another counselor for twelve years. At that point our marriage was on the brink of divorce.”

Q&A With Rob Ventura on His New Commentary on Romans

Rob: What makes my commentary unique is that it is preacher-ready and preacher-friendly. In every section of Romans, I give a central theme, homiletical outline, exegetical and practical insights, and applications for believers and nonbelievers. (Sponsored Link)

The Failed Promise of Connected Note-Taking Apps

People like to make lofty claims of their apps, and especially connected note-taking apps. Reagan Rose explains why they can’t possibly live up to these claims.

What are your members doing?

Stephen likes to say things that will make you think. In this article he explains his position that adding staff members to a church is, in at least some ways, an admission of failure. You may not agree, but it’s worth hearing him out.

And When They Had Prayed…

You may identify with this admission that sometimes it seems way better to do something than to pray.

Flashback: The Glory of Children Is Their Fathers

While our ultimate desire is to hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” we all also want to hear our children say, “Well done, good and faithful dad” or “Well done, good and faithful mom.”

I am not tired of my work, neither am I tired of the world; yet, when Christ calls me home, I shall go with the gladness of a boy bounding away from school.

—Adoniram Judson

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